Monday, September 26, 2011

The Service of One

My nephew, Kevin, left today for the Peace Corps.  For the next 27 months his life will be all about helping the less fortunate in Africa.  It will certainly not be easy, but he is excited about this opportunity.

My own children and their spouses have served others in Haiti, Russia, Ukraine and here in the United States after hurricane Katrina, working to make a difference.

So what prompts someone to choose a path that requires self sacrifice, uncertainty, even physical discomfort?  It comes from a belief that change happens one person at a time, and a willingness to be that one person.  Without that, nothing happens.

Whether it is overseas or in our own communities, countless individuals selflessly work to help the disadvantaged, the poor, the elderly, the lonely, the abandoned, the hopeless.  And for the most part, they do it without fanfare, recognition, or monetary reward.  They do it, simply to make a difference.

So, I'd just like to say "thank you" to Kevin and to all those individuals who sacrifice to make this a better world.

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