Thursday, April 7, 2011


On Sunday, November 30, 2008, my daughter coaxed me into writing a blog!  That was my first post and this is my 200th post!

Pretty exciting?  Probably not for anyone but me.  But I have come to thoroughly enjoy the creative process of putting my thoughts, feelings and experiences out there into the great unknown, wondering if anyone is reading them, and trying to pretend that it doesn't REALLY matter if they are or not.  That it's the creative process that counts!

Well, that's a lie.  It does matter to me.  While I do enjoy the writing, I also enjoy the feedback from friends and strangers alike.  It feels wonderful to feel connected to the world... on my own terms... through the written word. 

It matters to me that I might offer a word of help or encouragement, or a moment of laughter to another person.  It matters to me that, in return, I get to call complete strangers "friend" as I get to know them through their writing.

It's a wonderful thing, this world of blogging.  It keeps my heart and mind seeking and searching for the next idea that I want to share.  Which leaves me wondering, what will post number 201 be about?  Stay tuned...


The Guys said...

I love your posts, Laura, and I just want you to know that you have inspired me not only to write, but in so many other wonderful ways. You *and your blog) are part of my conscience now...sorry. :) So glad to call you my work spouse! Can't wait for 201!

sister sheri said...

Congratulations, Laura! I know what you mean about wanting just an idea of who is out there... It is quite a chore to not think about it too much.

I am so glad to call you a sister-in-blog!