Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday at Last

I found this picture in a magazine. It pretty much shows how I feel by the time I get to Friday! I'm all tuckered out. This week has had its own challenges.

I came back to work on Monday after having an entire weekend to stew about the fact that I had ended up in tears in a meeting of our whole department last Friday. Not good. I can't help it if I score a 30 (as high as you can go) for feelings on the Myers-Briggs Personality test! Anyway, Monday felt very tentative.
Tuesday wasn't half bad, I'm happy to say. Wednesday I took a vacation day so I could attend the memorial service of a friend who had lost her courageous seven-year battle with cancer. Joy and sadness all at once.But she is now with our Heavenly Father and no longer in pain.
Thursday I was back at work. I spent my lunch time attending an hour-long exercise ball class. It's only the second class. And while I had done my homework after the last class, my burning, throbbing muscles apparently hadn't "learned" much. Wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk back to my desk.
Finally, Friday. And those burning, throbbing muscles are now tight, sore muscles. I walk like I'm 100 years old. To top that off, today is National Sleep Day, but I only got about four hours of sleep last night. So weary is the best way to describe me right now.
But, hey! It is Friday. The weekend beckons and it's suppose to get into the upper 60's. I might even try to wash my disgustingly dirty car tomorrow if my screaming muscles will let me move. If not, I'm sure I can manage a good book and a cup of coffee. Yesss...

1 comment:

sister sheri said...

Wow! Sounds like a tough week... praying this week finds you turned right side up!