Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two Little Things

I don't have any great words of wisdom to share today. I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to express my gratitude for two little things that made my world a little brighter over the last few days.  So, here they are!

Over the weekend, I was working at my kitchen sink when I heard the sweetest sound that could have caressed my ears.  Somewhere outside my window a single bird was warbling its soft, melodic song! After last week's storms that tore our neighborhood apart, this sweet reminder that spring will come again was just what I needed!  So even though the skies outside my window were still  heavy and gray, I heard hope in that little bird's song. What a blessing!

And then today, I was working at my desk when my boss swooped in (yes, she truly does swoop!) and presented me with a lovely little bouquet of red roses and the kindest note of appreciation for what I do.  I was so touched.  She is one of the busiest people I know, yet she took the time to stop and buy me flowers and write such a kind note.  I felt valued as an employee and most of all, as a friend. 

I know that all kinds of small blessings are always happening around me, I just don't always tune into them and appreciate them like I should.  So for today, at least, I want to stop and be grateful for the sweet blessings that shower me daily!

1 comment:

sister sheri said...

What a great idea... to just praise Him!