Friday, May 20, 2011


I think the spring pollens are doing a number on me.  Yesterday afternoon I started developing red, itchy splotches on my body.  I was at work which meant it wasn't a suitable place to just start scratching away.  As the day progressed, so did the splotches.

When I got up this morning and noticed that these lovely little red patches had continued to multiply during the night, I decided that today needed to be a vacation day.  I would have called in sick to work, but I don't really feel bad...just red and itchy.  So instead, I chose a vacation day to reduce the guilt I'd feel about running errands or heading to Starbucks for awhile.  I'm okay with strangers looking at my splotches.

Here's the thing, I couldn't have picked a better day to take off.  Finally, we are supposed to hit 70 degrees!  It's a BIG thing!  We have been stuck in a cold, gray, cloudy existence for months now.  I know that I shouldn't be complaining considering what those poor folks in the Midwest are going through and my heart and prayers go out to them.  But the gloom has really started to get to everyone.

So, I took an antihistamine and spent a little time sitting in the sun on my deck reading my devotions.  And now I'm about to haul my splotchy-red self out to the grocery store.  Even that sounds like a good time considering that the brilliant sun is shining down on me!

Splotches.  Who'd have ever thought that they could be a blessing in disguise?

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