Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grandma's Day

Yesterday was a red letter day for me.  It was my first all-day babysitting gig for my granddaughter, Ella.  I'd like to pretend that it was due to my great skill that she didn't cry or fuss at all. But the truth is, I was probably just lucky...because she didn't cry or fuss at all!

I'd also like to say that when I got home, I was ready to clean my house, go for a walk and do a little gardening before bed.  But again the truth is, I was tired!  God knows what He's doing when He gives us our children when we're younger!

But I'm up for it again, whenever the opportunity arises!  How could I say "no" to a sweetheart who smiles at you from behind her pacifier when she wakes up from her nap...which only lasted five minutes? 

Sorry for this faint cell phone picture! She deserves better :)

The next time she fell asleep, I decided it was best just to hold her on my lap. At least, it was best for Grandma!

1 comment:

cindy holman said...

So precious! Can't wait until my married kids decide to start having babies :)