I know that I've said it before, but for me, the hardest part of being a parent is the letting go. And this story is a reminder that when we put our children into the care of an almighty, loving God, we really can let go and be at peace. So let's back up a few months.
Last summer, when my daughter and my now son-in-law got engaged, the plan was to settle in this area after the wedding. But plans are made to be changed...which they did. After only a short while of enjoying the prospect of them making their home here, southern California became the new area of post-wedding residency due to a job down there.
I won't even touch on the emotions that flooded my heart with this change in plans...I'd have to go get my Kleenex box to write about that. But there was another major concern that set my heart palpitating and that was the actual MOVE.
Suddenly, not only was a wedding being planned but also within a matter of days following that event, they would have to find a place to live in another state, find a "cheap" method to physically move there, pack up all their belongings, and drive their cars caravan-style to this new, still unknown home. My blood pressure shot up every time I even thought about it all!
Okay, here's where the mother part comes in. It wasn't my problem. I knew that. It was up to them to make these arrangements and not me. Did I mention that I knew that? But after nearly 25 years of being there to help your child it's hard to just step back and wait for them to take care of all the details. But that's what I did, except for one thing. I prayed! I prayed like crazy!
Every time I started to stress over the move, I prayed. When I panicked at the thought of them trying to find a place to live, I prayed. When I worried over how they were going to get their stuff down there, I prayed. If I pictured my little girl driving all alone in her car to southern California and it made me want to cry, I prayed. Maybe you get the picture by now, for months, this whole move was covered in prayer.
The events of the past week are a testimony to God's faithfulness and His answers to our prayers. First, Elizabeth and Joel were able to find a small U Haul container that they could afford and were able to pack all of their belongings in it. Suddenly, no one was going to have to drive a U Haul truck and figure out how to get two cars down there.
Then on Monday, they found an apartment online and a friend of theirs who lives in that area checked it out. She came back with a glowing report! It fit within their budget, was in a gated community, even had a refrigerator ( I know, I know...sounds weird but apparently you landlords in CA charge extra for a refrigerator!) and it also had a dishwasher! Now, they just needed to be approved to rent it. After filling out all the necessary forms, we held our breath...and prayed.
Wednesday was packing day and by noon, everything was in that big orange box and it all fit! Still no word on the apartment. But come Thursday morning, Elizabeth, along with her friend Jamie (no driving alone, yes! ) and Joel with their friend, Bentley set off in two cars for Californina. Suddenly, late that day I received a text that they had gotten the apartment! After spending the night at Joel's parents' house in northern California, they were ready for the last leg of the journey.
Friday night at 7:52 p.m. I received a text from Elizabeth that said "Made it!" And I began praying prayers of gratefulness and joy! Then at 8:08 p.m., I looked out my window and this is what I saw!
God had sent me the most beautiful rainbow reminder that He is faithful! With tears streaming down my face, I was reminded that, with prayer, I am never really letting go of my children, I'm just placing them in the care of our loving God who cares for them even more than I do. And to that, all I can say is "Amen!"